Pupil Premium Grant is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children. This is based on research showing that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to diminish the difference between them and their peers.
Students receive Pupil Premium if they are in receipt of Free School Meals or have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years, classed as Ever 6. Everton Heath Primary School also receives an enhanced premium for Looked After Children (those who have been in care or adopted) this is now known as Pupil Premium Plus. The Service Premium is a smaller fund available to assist the school to provide pastoral care to the children of armed forces personnel.
Schools can choose how to spend their pupil premium money, in the best way to benefit their students.
At Everton Heath Primary School we are committed to treating each pupil as an individual, ensuring all pupils are able to succeed and thrive on the way to reaching their full potential. The funding is spent in many ways such as; English and Maths interventions, regular mentoring, support for educational and enhancement trips, school uniform, counselling, resources to support their education and music. Pupil Premium strategy, impact & expenditure will be reviewed at the beginning of each academic year by looking at results, student progression, interventions and spending allocations.
Please do not hesitate to contact Katie May kmay@evertonheath.org.uk if you require more information. All inquiries are treated in the strictest confidence
Your child may be eligible for free school meals if you receive any of the following benefits:- Income support, Income-based jobseekers’ allowance, Income-related employment and support allowance, Child tax credit, provided that you are not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of £16,190 or less, if you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, guarantee element of State Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start working fewer hours per week or Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7400 (from 1st April 2018).
For more information go to http://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/benefits/free-school-meals/overview.aspx or telephone 0300 300 8306.
Free School Meals are provided for all children in Reception, Years 1 & 2.