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Thank you for your interest in Evertots, Everton’s very own village Pre-school.

At Evertots we understand that starting ‘big school’ can be an anxious time for you and your child. This is why we work with your family before you join us, inviting you to see us in action as well as visiting you in your own home. We recognise that you know your child better than anyone else, and actively seek your involvement in all aspects of their early education.

Being part of Everton Heath Primary School means that we have adopted many of its principles and values. Being part of a larger learning community means that we have access to a wide range of resources and expertise. It also means that you and your family will have the opportunity to participate in a wider range of celebrations and events.

We hope this page will give you a flavour of the experiences your child will encounter during their time in the Preschool. It cannot, however, convey the supportive and friendly atmosphere which is an essential part of a child's preschool experience.

The prime aim of all those who work in Everton Heath Preschool is to ensure that each child is happy and able to develop their full potential in a caring and stimulating environment.

During a child's time in the Preschool, we work closely with you so that we can support each child and provide quality experiences for them.

Everton Heath Preschool, part of the CAM Academy Trust, provides education for 3 and 4 year-olds. The maximum number of children that can be admitted is 8 per day (sessions are either morning OR afternoon). Children attend Monday to Friday in term time.

All Preschool places are funded by the Government. The Preschool makes no charge in relation to the free entitlement to 15 hours of Preschool provision. Every child is entitled to these 15 universal hours a week from the term after they turn 3 years old. There is no maximum limit on the amount of hours a child can attend.

By keeping numbers low we are able to provide a supportive environment that is tailored to your child’s needs. By adopting a play-based curriculum, your child is able to develop and learn by exploring things that interest and excite them.

All sessions are child-led which which means that children are able to develop and learn at their own pace. An outdoor learning environment, essential to the healthy development of young children is freely available, along with a range of stimulating resources and challenging activities which will help children to discover and learn while they play.

We look forward to working with you.

Mrs Sarah Pates & Mrs Emma France                                                                                                                        
Pre-School Leade
